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Arroyo Verde Aztecs

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Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

School Wide Behavior Expectations

Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS)

Positive Progressive Steps

Our policy at Arroyo Verde is to develop the WHOLE Child. It is our goal to build scholars and practice a positive approach that creates a nurturing learning environment. Our progressive response model means that we attempt to correct the behavior with a positive approach. Each referral to the office may result in a more severe consequences than the referral before. This also means that two children may be sent to the office for the same offense, yet receive different consequences. Administration reserves the right to skip or modify steps depending on the severity of the infraction. Our Aztec students are rewarded with an "Aztec Point" when they follow schoolwide expectations. Our "Aztec Points" can be earned during the day by any staff member anywhere on campus. We collect data on where the expectations are followed and which expectations are not followed to ensure we are not followed to ensure that we are creating a positive culture throughout the campus. 

Positive Reinforcement may include

  • Verbal Praise
  • Positive referrals to the office
  • Student Store purchases
  • Aztec point activities
  • Extra Recess
  • Classroom incentives

Progressive Discipline Steps

Corrective Consequences

Staff members consider a variety of consequences for students. There are a number of factors that are taken into consideration in determining the consequence, such as frequency or severity. Violation of Ed Code 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3 and/or 48900.4, even on the first occurrence, can result in the immediate removal of a student from the classroom an Office Discipline Referral (ODR) and possible suspension from school. The following are examples of potential consequences: 

  • Verbal Warning/Counseling by the staff member
  • Reflection time - within the classroom
  • Reflection time  - in the office
  • Parent Contact
  • Low Level Referral (LLR)
  • Office Discipline Referral (ODR) or Admin Team contact