Report Student Absences
Children learn best when they are present in school. When your child is going to be absent from school, it is important that you call the school at 909.307.5590 or use the Parent Square App to message our attendance clerk, Roxanne Mackamul directly to let us know the reason for the absence/s. Failure to clear an absence with a legitimate reason within 48 hours will result in a truancy being marked on the student's attendance record.
A student will be marked absent by the teacher. The automated caller will notify guardians of all students who are absent. The call goes out after 10:00 am each day. If the school does not hear from you, the school will call to inquire as to why your child was absent.
All student are responsible to be in line when the tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. Any student who is not in line by 8:00 a.m. is tardy.
Independent Study/Short Term RISE packets
Student are eligible for short term independent study contracts when a student will be absent for 3 or more consecutive days and no more than 10 days a school year. contact the attendance office or your child's teacher for assistance. When an independent study contract is complete, the student can recover the missed days of attendance as outlined in the contract. Independent study, once completed and approved, does not count as an absence and helps to avoid attendance letters.
SART Process
We are required by the State Department of Education to monitor and track attendance which involves informing parents of days absent. These form letters are auto generated based on a formula determined by the State Department of Education. As mandated by the State, attendance letters will be sent home after 5, 10, and 15 absences, regardless if the absences are excused or unexcused. Student who are chronically absent will be scheduled for a Student Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting. Please be aware that the California Ed. Code states that students are considered chronically absent if they miss 10% or more of the school year. The first two letters are intended to remind families of the importance of regular on-time attendance. At the meeting, a contract is signed by the student, parent/s and administrator. If attendance continues to be a problem, further measures will be taken to help improve attendance. Student on transfers may have their transfer revoked.
Absences & Tardies
Excused: Medical appointment, illness, funeral attendance (immediate family members only) religious reasons, late school bus or mandated court appearance of the student. While these absences are excused, they still count in the total absences from school. If a doctor's note is turned into the office then a medical trady does not count against attendance. A full day of absence, even with a doctor's note does count against attendance.
Unexcused: Any other reason for not being in school.
Truancy: Failure to clear an absence with a legitimate reason within 48 hours will result in a truancy on the student's attendance record. Being tardy for 30 minutes or more on three different days will also result in a truancy.
Students on a transfer: Student who are on intra or inter district transfer signed an agreement with the district office in regards to attendance. Please review the agreement to ensure you are adhering to the expectations.